Import vs Domestics @ MIR!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy Birthday to Us

On this day one year ago, PapoRacingNews was born.

This brilliant idea came alive when we noticed it was necessary to inform drag racing fans what was going in the world of drag racing.

We concentrated on drag racing in Aruba and Curacao, but we sure didn't keep it there. 
We brought you drag racing news from the USA, Australia and even Sweden, just to mention a few places.

When we first started we thought we would only be viewed by countries nearby, but we can show you that our audience grew and kept growing.

Exaclty 1 year later our pageviews hit the 26.300 mark. We sure are very happy with this outcome and we like to thank you, our followers and readers for the support. Without your support we wouldn't be doing this.

THANK YOU and keep on following and keep on reading.

We are who We are!

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