Import vs Domestics @ MIR!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

3x top 3 finishes for Team PapoRacing R/C

Sunday, February 16th 2014 CRCCDA held its first National race. Team PapoRacing R/C got a couple of podium finishes, a great way to start the 2014 racing season.

Both Paolo Inocencia and Shaindro Daal got to take pictures that Sunday afternoon...
In the GTP electric category Paolo got the top qualifying spot and headed confidently to the finals, in which he lead for a great part of the 10 minute race. After 8 minutes or so, the car began running very loose and unpredictable. Winfred, who was in second place, quickly caught up and passed Paolo for the win. Paolo finished 1 lap behind Winfred. Shaindro also remained cool for this long 10 min race and ran consistently, showing great control. He managed to finish 31 laps, only 3 laps behind the leader. The final position is as follows;


1 Winfred Antonia
2 Paolo Inocencia
3 Shaindro Daal
4 Jacques Pieternella
5 Rumes Aniceta

In Touring Car electric Paolo placed 3rd behind Winfred Antonia and Patrick Spong. Spong's TC was unbeatable and really dominant, he got it dialed in on those foam tires. Paolo encountered power issues, with the batteries not performing the way they're supposed to, he lost his 2nd place position to Winfred. After 3 minutes or so, the car would not hit its top speed. The handling of the Team Associated TC6.1 worlds car was impeccable, very very fast inside, the technical part of the track, but slow on the straights. The results for the TC-elec category is as follows followed by the 1/8 LMP category result;

1 Eric Spong
2 Winfred Antonia
3 Paolo Inocencia
4 Dinyor Antonia
5 Raymond Melaan
6 Raydon Angela
7 Winmarth Martha
8 Marwen Martina
9 Egmond Alberto
10 Ryan Juliana

1/8 LMP-gas
1 Hazel dos Santos
2 Ferdinand Jansen
3 Dinyor Antonia

With the Open Invitational event in just 79 days, we are preparing and making all the necessary setups to make our laps even quicker and consistent.

Come and join us every Sunday at the Waaigat parkinglot in Punda. Also, visit CRCCDA's website and Facebook page for more information:

You can also join us on Facebook and see what we're doing, exciting stuff YO :P

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